Exploring Pattern Project #1: Washi Tape Feathers


  • Patterned washi tape
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Sharpie pens


  • Scissors


  1. Lay a piece of washi tape vertically and sticky side down on a smooth work surface.

  2. Lay another identical piece of tape on your work surface so that it slightly overlaps the first piece of tape.

  3. Carefully peel up the tape so that the two pieces remain attached to one another. Flip the tape over, sticky side up, and place a pipe cleaner in the center of it. The top of the pipe cleaner should be just a little bit below the top of the tape.

  4. Now put another layer of tape over the first layer. Start with one piece of tape...

    ...and then put down another piece so that it slightly overlaps the first one. The pipe cleaner should now be encased inside of the tape.

  5. Trim the tape with scissors to make it be shaped like a feather.

  6. Add another layer of pattern to your feather with a Sharpie pen. You can have as many layers of pattern as you like.

  7. Use scissors to cut slits in the feather to give it a more feathery texture.

  8. Make as many feathers as you want!


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