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Exploring Pattern Project #3: Millions of Balloons

Materials Tissue Paper in assorted colors & patterns Foam Core Board Mod Podge Extra-Fine Black Sharpie Tools Pencil Balloon Template - cut an egg shape out of cardstock Scissors Foam Brush Instructions Trace around the balloon template on to tissue paper, using a pencil. Cut out this shape with scissors. Cut out a WHOLE BUNCH of these shapes in varying colors of tissue paper. You’ll need enough to almost cover the whole piece of foam core board. Think about what colors would look good together while selecting them, or you can use all of the colors if you want. To make the process faster, put several sheets of tissue paper together and cut them all at once. Arrange the balloon shapes on the foam core board. You want to completely cover the board with balloons. Have some of the balloons overlap each other. Let some of them come off of the edges; you’ll be trimming the excess off later. When you have them arranged the way you like them, glue them all down with Mod Podge b...

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